Sunday, December 28, 2008

An elephant for "The Muppet" and a cupcake pincushion....

Been busy knitting an elephant for this little one, affectionately known as "The Muppet", and due in March. This baby is the eagerly awaited child of my brother and his lovely wife, and will be the first grandchild born for 14 years! Not that we're excited or anything........ I've had the yarn and pattern all organised for ages so when I was looking for something to knit on the trip to Christmas lunch it was an easy choice. Nearly finished it, so I'll post pics when it's all done.

I recently participated in a care and share swap, and this cupcke pincushion was one of the gifts I gave my swap buddy.
It was fiddly but fun, will have to make one for me one of these days.

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